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Mt. Powell Bible Baptist Church

King James Version

Church: Text

It all began in 1967.

The Booher Family

Frank and Nancy Booher were born and lived in northeast Ohio. They attended Canton Baptist Temple, where they met a lady whose brother, Nelson McBride, worked at Crossland’s Mission, near Thoreau, New Mexico. The Booher family decided to come during the summer of 1966 to meet the McBride family and learned more about their mission work. During the following fall, the Lord began to speak to Frank and Nancy to come work with the Navajo people. While  listening to a radio broadcast from Back to the Bible, the speaker quoted from Isaiah 6:8, “…Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” They were both convicted to follow the Lord’s prompting and moved to New Mexico in January of 1967.
They worked with the McBride family for one year, and then felt the Lord guiding them to begin their own ministry.  God directed them to adopt eight Navajo children, whose family owned land on Mt. Powell.  The Boohers moved onto the land in the summer of 1968, and began Mt. Powell Navajo Mission.
A church and Christian school were formed, and Frank did boarding school, jail, and curbside evangelistic outreaches.  Nancy entered glory in 2008, and Frank continued to serve the Lord, until he was called home in 2017.
God has continued to guide and bless the ministry which began over fifty years ago.

The Church is still here today.

The Saunders Family

Pastor Sheridan Saunders was just 12 years old when he was saved at Mt. Powell Bible Baptist Church. As a young man he felt the Lord tugging at his heart to serve. He served under Grandpa Frank Booher until he was 17 years old when he was called to preach. He preached for 9 years. In 2018, at the age of 26 years old he was called to pastor his home church. He has been faithfully pastoring the church for 5 years, with his wife Tatiana, his 3 sons, Seth, Titus, their newest baby boy, Lyle, and daughter Sarai by his side. He also serves as the Principal of the Christian school with his wife Tatiana as the head teacher. Pastor Sheridan also has a full time job with New Mexico Department of Transportation.
The Lord has been good! As you can see, the Lord is working in this small church on the Navajo Reservation. Keep Mt. Powell Bible Baptist Church in prayer as we continue to serve the Lord and reach more souls.

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