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Vision/Support: Pro Gallery


It is a blessing to see our school and church growing! 

Help us pray on a school building. Our school is growing and as of now, the classroom is in the Sunday School room. It is sufficient for now, however, if we continue to grow, we will not have the adequate space. And, we also do not want to turn anyone away.

Not only is our school growing, we also see the Church growing and are also looking to expand the Church building or move service to the gymnasium.

We pray that this gives you some insight of the work being done at Mt. Powell and seeing what the Lord has been doing for us up here on the mountain.

Vision/Support: About


Ways you can help us...


We ask that you keep us in prayer for a school and church building.


You may send monetary donations/support using the email:

State reason of donation in the memo.

(Ex:  School Building, Church Building, Church/School Support, etc.)


Monetary donations or Letters of encouragement can be sent to:

P.O. Box 1314

Thoreau, NM 87323

Vision/Support: List

"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver."

II Corinthians 9:7

Vision/Support: Quote
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